Use Selecter to make every things selectable (duh). Try select following itens:
<ul id="my-list" class="list-group"> <li class="list-group-item">Each elem</li> <li class="list-group-item">of this list</li> <li class="list-group-item">can be selected</li> </ul>
var selecter = new Selecter('#my-list li');
Selecter automatically includes the class active to the elements selected. In bootstrap, this works, but if you use other html/css framework you can just specify the class that you want to be added:
var selecter = new Selecter('#my-list li', { select_class: 'light-gray' });
If you want, selecter.js can append a mark to each item selected, like an image:
new Selecter('#ex-02 li', { add_mark: true, mark_html: '<img width="32" style="position: absolute; top: -5px; right: -5px;" class="__mark_icon" src="imgs/check.png">', mark_class: '__mark_icon', select_class: '' });
You want to do something when at least one element in the list is selected, like enable edition/remove buttons? Easy, just include on_at_least_one_selection option in constructor. Use control to select items
var selecter = new Selecter('#ex-03 li', { add_mark: true, mark_html: '<img width="32" style="position: absolute; top: -5px; right: -5px;" class="__mark_icon" src="imgs/check.png">', mark_class: '__mark_icon', enable_ctrl: true, select_class: 'light-grey', on_at_least_one_selection: function() { $('#btn-move,#btn-delete').removeClass('disabled'); }, on_unselecting_all: function() { $('#btn-move,#btn-delete').addClass('disabled'); } }); $('#btn-unselect').click(function() { selecter.unselect_all(); }); $('#btn-select').click(function() { selecter.select_all(); });